Happy New Year, Kosmos Members!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. It was great seeing so many of our Kosmos friends at the Christmas Party! I want to give special thanks to Donna W., Carolyn W., Sheryl M., and Roger J. for their help in putting our party together.
With the new year here many of us plan goals to achieve for the year. But, if you are like me, as the days go by, we tend to let those goals slip by us, too. This year I have decided to make it simple.... "Try and be a better person to myself and to others." Also, I want to try and reflect more on the positives in my life.
January is the beginning of a new year with hopes of good things coming our way. But each day is a new beginning, a chance to choose what we want to do in our lives. I really hope this is a year filled with lots of good things for all of you.
—Sue R., Kosmos Leader
Sue's Snoopy Quote of the Month:
Thursday, January 2
6 S. Cascade St.
Lunch: 12:00 Noon
Meeting: 1:00 PM
We're back to our regular first Thursday of the month for Board Meetings! All members are welcome to attend these meetings, so please join us if you can! You can come for lunch and/or just the meeting!
Saturday, January 4
1:00 PM
One of our newest members, Anna Mae S., is hosting the January Game Day at her home. Please bring finger food or a dessert to share with others, plus your own beverage. A wide variety of game are available—or bring one of your favorites to enjoy with other members.
Please call Anna Mae so she can plan the number of tables and chairs needed!
For more details about this and other newsletter items, please see the postal mail or e-mail versions of this newsletter.
Wednesday, January 15
Fairchild Cinemas
5020 Convention Drive
You will notified of the chosen movie title and movie time in our Sunday e-mail announcement, or by phone call, prior to January 15.
Saturday, January 18
Richland Public Library
Conference Room A
955 Northgate Drive
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Bunco is a dice game with players divided into groups of four who try to score points while taking turns rolling three dice. Winners at the end of a series of games win money.
For our Bunco Party, you need to bring $5.50 in one-dollar bills and quarters, an appetizer or dessert to share, and your own non-alcoholic beverage. Bottled water will be provided.
If you plan to attend, please call or text hostess Sue R. so she will know how many to expect to play!
Directions: The Richland Library is located at the corner of Northgate Drive and Swift Blvd., in Richland, kitty-corner from Kadlec Hospital.
The Kosmos Annual Christmas Party, held at the Hampton Inn in Richland, and catered by the Back Alley BBQ Crew, turned out to be a fun afternoon for 41 Kosmos members and guests! Photos of the event are on the Kosmos Group Facebook page. Thanks, Linda M., for all the great pictures!
Restaurant gift cards of $25 each were won by six Kosmos members. Ten-dollar movie-theater gift cards were won by five members.
There were eight lucky winners of the lovely poinsettia centerpieces.
There were also lots of attractive Christmas ornaments for those participating in the Social Hour trivia about things they've done. Questions were posted on a board decorated by Sue R.'s daughter. For example, one question was "Have you flown in a helicopter?" The person(s) who could answer "yes" received an ornament!
Christmas ornaments won by those participating in the Social Hour Trivia
Things Done Trivia Board decorated by Sue R.'s daughter
January is the first month of the Gregorian calendar. It was named after Janus, the Roman god of all beginnings. January replaced March as the first month of the Roman year no later than 153 BC.
January 3 and 4:
Luke Thayer Comedy Show
7:30 PM
January 18:
"The Dreams...!"
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., presented by Art Broady, with performances by local gospel soloist Daphne Jackson.
Richland Players Theater
January 18
1:00 PM and 5:00 PM
Leader | Sue R. |
Assistant Leader | Jan A. |
Secretary | Donna W. |
Treasurer | Claudia T. |
Activities | Carolyn W. |
Membership | Marsha H. |
Calling | Sharon W. |
Games | OPEN |
Reservations | Donna W. |
Name Tags | Sandy R. |
E-Mailing | Sandy R. |
Sharon G. | |
Mailing | Carol H. |
Website | Tim M. |
Mailing address:
Kosmos Social Club
PO Box 4506
Pasco, WA 99302
"This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change."
—Taylor Swift
Please note that, due to possible inclement weather for evening driving, two January dinners have been replaced by noontime lunches.
For questions or additional information send e-mail to